تلفن تماس



info [at] ir-mehr.com


چهارراه آبکوه و کلاهدوز

درباره ما

با بيش از 25 سال سابقه فعاليت توليد كننده انواع كفش هاي طبي، كوتاه دار، داخلي، كلافوت، لبه مستقيم و ... مي باشد.  طب فني توليدات خود را از بهترين چرم توليد و آنها را به بيش از 150 شركت و نهادهاي دولتي به سراسر كشور ارسال مي نمايد. ما مفتخريم كه بهترين جنس با پايين ترين قيمت را در سراسر كشور داريم
همراه: 09151236652
ایمیل:  info @ Tebefani.com
Iran is a vast country and has more 20 years of war, with more than 75 milion people. More than 30 thechnical Orthopedic Clinic are working in Iran.
Tebe Fani is proud to offer its Medical and Rehabitation shoes to more than 250 rehabitation clinics throughout Iran. The company's products are chosen in 12 colors that are including top, dark and light. All these shoes made of natural leather in different top models. Tebe Fani presents its shoes in two raw and finished types.
1: Raw: To install the pedal
2: Finished: The arch supports, medical and lateral Witch
Tebe Fani is ready to supply all handmade shoes with technical gurantee. Products: Top shoes- High top Klafoot and Oxford